samedi 31 octobre 2015
Contrôles douaniers à la frontière algérienne reçus en HF par des amateurs
vendredi 30 octobre 2015
Nouvelle fréquence en HF pour les gardes frontières libyens
mardi 27 octobre 2015
Nouvelle fréquence pour la station russe Mikhail Dmitri Zhenya Boris (UVB-76)
New ham software to hack easily GSM signals (call and sms)
The ability to hack some GSM signals has been around for some time now, but the steps to reproduce the hack have been long and difficult to set up. Recently reader Bastien wrote into us to let us know about his recently released project called Topguw. Bastien’s Topguw is a Linux based program that helps piece together all the steps required in the GSM hacking process. Although the steps are simplified, you will still need some knowledge of how GSM works, have installed Airprobe and Kraken, and you’ll also need a 2TB rainbow table which keeps the barrier to this hack still quite high. Bastien writes about his software:
So like I said my software can “crack” SMS and call over GSM network.How ?I put quotation marks in crack because my software is not enough to deciphered GSM itself. My software can make some steps of the known-plaintext attack, introduce by Karsten Nohl, and by the way, increase the time to decipher an SMS or call. I’ll not explain here all the steps because they are long and tedious, but there is a lot of work done behind the Gui.
Full link :
lundi 26 octobre 2015
Syria : portable FM transmitter brings information to people in crisis
Half the population of Syria has been displaced. Hundreds of thousands have died in the conflict and millions are fleeing. For those who remain in the country, critical infrastructure is unstable and might be under the control of warring factions at a given moment. The Internet is constantly interrupted. Cell phone coverage can be spotty.
Enter Pocket FM, a portable FM transmitter the size of a shoebox that starts working as soon as it’s connected to a small antenna, a power source, and an audio signal. Pocket FM resembles a radio receiver more than a transmitter, and a single device can air radio programs over a radius of about six kilometers. At its core isRaspberry Pi, an affordable mini computer that can easily be further developed and modified with different features for different scenarios.
Full link :
jeudi 15 octobre 2015
La radio pirate 87.5 Naoned fait de la résistance
"87.5! Naoned" émet en toute illégalité à Nantes depuis environ 4 ans. Atypique dans le paysage radiophonique nantais, cette radio 100 % musicale diffuse 24h sur 24 des titres en-dehors des circuits commerciaux, grâce à un passionné de la FM.
Ancien animateur radio, Thomas est aujourd'hui fonctionnaire. À lui tout seul, il assure la diffusion d'une radio qui émet sur la bande FM nantaise sans autorisation : "87.5! Naoned". La station 100 % musicale donne à entendre des titres en-dehors des circuits commerciaux. Au début, Thomas souhaitait simplement bidouiller un système domestique pour écouter sa musique sans avoir à changer les CD. "J'ai posé sur mon PC un petit diffuseur qui ré-émet sur mon tuner à la maison, et puis je me suis dit que j'écouterais bien dans ma voiture, et puis au travail. Et puis ça s'est propagé", raconte le pirate. Aujourd'hui, Thomas arrose tout Nantes.
Article complet :