July 2013: HackRF commercial availability Look for an announcement on this list before Black Hat. 27-28 July 2013: Black Hat USA (http://blackhat.com/us-13/) Software Defined Radio This two day class is sold out. 31 July 2013: Black Hat Arsenal HackRF Jared Boone and I will be giving HackRF demonstrations from 15:30 to 18:00 at Black Hat Arsenal. If you are attending the Briefings, please stop by. Black Hat doesn't allow distribution of promotional materials at Arsenal, so ask me for stickers any other time you spot me with my backpack in Las Vegas. 31 July 2013 - 1 August 2013: BSidesLV (http://bsideslv.com/) I probably won't make it to BSides due to my busy schedule at Black Hat, but look for a HackRF Jawbreaker at the charity auction there. Additionally, keep your eyes open for more Jawbreakers available at charity events at DEF CON. 1 August 2013: Black Hat Briefings What's on the Wire? Physical Layer Tapping with Project Daisho Dominic Spill, Mike "Dragorn" Kershaw, and I will present Daisho at 14:15. This is an exciting project that takes aim at high speed wired communication protocols like USB 3.0, HDMI, and Gigabit Ethernet. 1 August 2013: Black Hat Briefings Multiplexed Wired Attack Surfaces Kyle "Kos" Osborn and I will speak at 17:00 about new ways phones and tablets can be attacked with physical access. 1 August 2013: friends of Great Scott Gadgets at Black Hat Many friends are scheduled to speak about interesting things at Black Hat and DEF CON, but I want to point out two talks at the Black Hat Briefings that specifically relate to GSG projects. One is Mike Ryan's talk on Bluetooth Smart. Mike has contributed a great deal of software to Project Ubertooth over the course of this project. The other is the 802.3 packet injection talk by Andrea Barisani and Daniele Bianco, a fascinating look at the kind of research we hope to enable with Project Daisho. Unfortunately both talks are at 10:15 on Thursday, so you'll have to catch one of them on video after the con! 2 August 2013: DEF CON Wireless Village (http://defcon-wireless-village.com/) Bluetooth Packet Sniffing with Ubertooth Dominic Spill will give a practical introduction to Ubertooth at 14:00. If you are interested in Project Ubertooth but don't know where to start, this session is for you. Have an Ubertooth One sitting in a drawer unused? Bring it along! 2 August 2013: DEF CON Wireless Village HackRF: Software Defined Radio for Software People At 15:00 I will present this introduction to Software Defined Radio (SDR). This is a chance to see HackRF Jawbreaker in action, but mostly the talk is about GNU Radio and how to get started with SDR if you have a background in software, not radio. date and time TBA: DEF CON Hardware Hacking Village HackRF Design Review This is a unique opportunity to explore the HackRF hardware design in depth. I will review the schematic diagram and layout of HackRF Jawbreaker and talk about the design decisions behind Jawbreaker and the specific changes being made in the next HackRF hardware design being prepared for commercial release. 14-15 August 2013: EDSC (http://edsconf.com/) Defeating Spread Spectrum Communication with Software Defined Radio I will talk about specific SDR techniques that can be used to undermine the advantages offered by spread spectrum communication technologies including FHSS and DSSS. 29-30 August 2013: NSC (http://nsc.is) Software Defined Radio for Software People On Friday I will present this introduction to Software Defined Radio (SDR). This is a chance to see HackRF Jawbreaker in action, but mostly the talk is about GNU Radio and how to get started with SDR if you have a background in software, not radio. 12-13 September 2013: 44CON (http://44con.com/) Reverse Engineering with HackRF This talk will consist of one long demonstration of how to use HackRF to reverse engineer a proprietary radio system. 16-17 October 2013: ToorCon San Diego (http://sandiego.toorcon.net/) Software Defined Radio This is the next chance to attend my two day class. Look for registration to open around the first of August. 17-18 March 2014: TROOPERS14 (https://www.troopers.de/) Software Defined Radio